- Cotton Holds Steady on Thursday
- Cotton futures posted marginally mixed trade on Thursday, with nearby March down a point and other contracts up 2 to 3 points. The outside markets were pressure factors, as crude oil futures were down $0.51/barrel. The US dollar index was up 0.113 on the day. Export Sales data from USDA...
- Cattle Collapses on Thursday
- Live cattle futures posted losses of $2.90 to $4.525 on Thursday. Cash trade has trickled in at $208 in the North so far, down $2-4 from last week. Southern sales are coming in at $206, down $2 from the week prior. The Thursday morning Fed Cattle Exchange online auction from...
- Hogs Firmer on Thursday
- Lean hog futures were firm to 20 cents higher in the front months on Thursday. The national average base hog negotiated price was reported at $86.23 on Thursday afternoon, down 48 cents from the day prior. The CME Lean Hog Index was reported at $84.60 on February 4, up 52...
- Wheat Bulls Pull Out Double Digit Gains on Thursday
- Wheat futures posted gains across the three exchanges on Thursday. Chicago SRW futures were up 14 to 16 cents in the nearbys to close out the day. KC HRW futures were 15 to 16 cents higher in the front months on the session. MPLS spring wheat was 9 to 10...
- Corn Holds Gains into the Close
- The corn market faded off the early session weakness, with contracts up 1 to 3 cents on Thursday. The national average Cash Corn price from cmdtyView is back up 2 ¼ cents at $4.61 1/2. Export Sales data totaled corn bookings for 2024/25 at 1.477 MMT, on the high end...
- Soybeans Push Higher on Thursday
- The soybean market posted 3 to 4 cents across most front months on Thursday. CmdtyView’s national front month Cash Bean price was up 3 1/2 cents at $9.99 3/4. Soymeal futures were down $1.40 to $2/ton, with Soy Oil futures 31 points higher. This morning in his senate confirmation hearing,...
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Quotes are delayed, as of February 07, 2025, 12:59:36 AM CST or prior.
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